ROE-177 I was treated like a toy at my son's boarding house. Momoko Isshiki keeps being raped by her housemate...

Momoko visits the boarding house of her son, Yuta, who has left home to attend college. Momoko is relieved that her housemates Goto and Tanabe are nice young men, so she decides to treat them to dinner while Yuta is away working part-time. Their desire was aroused by Momoko's charm and her ease of being carried away, and they invited her to ``Let's play a king game,'' and they cleverly pushed her down and fucked her body as they pleased... . She can't resist the pleasure she hasn't felt in a long time.
Title:ROE-177 息子の下宿先でオモチャ扱いされた私―。同居人にひたすら犯●れ続けて… 一色桃子
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